Only now, six years after retirement and one grandchild in kindergarten, I am free to declutter this home in a major way. A few years ago, I started with Anne Cain after reading her books and listening to her CD. We completed clothes, books, kitchen but stalled on papers and everything else. Her Netflix show encouraged me to start over, purging even more. It is an amazing process and I am feeling "lighter" by shedding so much. I am listing things I’ll be free to do after Konmari completed! Some of these were echoed in my retirement list.
Cricut classes and projects
Ukelele lessons and practice
Learn to draw
Garden crafts
Make pin jewelry from old button box and old pieces of jewelry
Make soap
Harvest garden projects
Write Mom and Dad’s story
Write Manu’s story
Digitize genealogy papers and tag
Update genealogy software
Organize all photos
To do: Stain front bench/pew
Convert grandpa's banjo book to uke chords
video t DVD/what is done? what not?
convert audio records with Marcia's converter