Sunday, November 15, 2009

Notes from Lake Quinalt...many moons ago

Random papers, surfacing now and again
Notes of where I am going, places where I've been
One of many, notes to keep
I have miles to go, before I sleep!

Lake Quinalt and coastal Washington
from Belfair it is 125 miles...2 1/2 hours drive
Out of Shelton, take the road to Matlock (102)...pretty country roads
1/2 hour from Aberdeen; South to Lake Quinalt Lodge
Dinner in the Roosevelt Room
Since it was late, we took a little hike to the Bridge...just beyond lodge on the east side of the road. Our room had no tv and a claw and ball bathtub...luxurious!
You can continue 11 miles and through the rain forest, Fletcher Creek...4 miles on a gravel road

monday headed on past South Beach and to Kalaloch for Crunchy French Toast breakfast
If we return, we liked cabins 1 and 9; 15 was really remote...
North to Beach Trail #4...our favorite...collected sand for Dr. Dave Douglass's sand collection at PCC...