Sunday, May 19, 2019

A day at St. David’s Cathedral

Today was day two of our pilgrimage and we met at 10:30 to walk to Saint David’s cathedral. As I came down the hill and turned the corner, the sight of this cathedral almost took my breath away.  

As we entered the cathedral for the choral matin service, it felt as if I was stepping back in time.  That was true for my understanding of how the structure changed throughout history as David’s very early monastery cells became a little church soon to be plundered by the Normans and then rebuilt by the Romans.  I was also stepping back to a very conservative, traditional service.  My church at St. Luke’s of the Mountains is such a modern church with contemporary songs and a band.  This choir was dressed in full robes and had candles lit before them and behind them. Quite remarkable!  

Since most of my years were spent in a Catholic Church, some of the Anglican rites were foreign to me.  Still, I could barely recite words to readings or sing the traditional hymns.  I feel so overwhelmed by this very tradition and the beauty of the music. I could barely speak when it was over.  

I returned in the evening for Choral Evensong which again centered me within the “high church” practices and ceremony.

As Teresa warned us, some of our days would be filled with so many impressions and experiences and it is true, but only when the day is done, can I sift through all my thoughts and impressions.  When I returned to my room after dinner, I reflected how “Roman” this service was and far from the very early days of Celtic Christianity.  Our docent gave us some wonderful information on the history of the church.  He commented that David would have not have approved  how he was depicted in his sculpture.  He was depicted as a high bishop in formal robes, instead of the garb of a simple man.  

An exhausting, beautiful day!

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